The Anti-Empire Report
Issue #5 — December 23rd, 2003
Page one headlines in The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and New York Times of December 20 about Libya “vowing to give up its banned weapons!” ... Bush and Blair—in a “choreographed sequence” as the Post called it—hailing Qaddafi’s seeing the light! What’s that? You didn’t know that Libya was stockpiling Weapons of Mass Destruction and was the newest Danger To The Civilized World? Think Iraq. Keep reading →
Issue #4 — December 1st, 2003
After failing to convince the world about any of his many reasons for starting a war, George W., on November 6, devoted almost all of a speech to the new improved reason—we invaded to install democracy, something that he had touched upon before, but he’s now promoting it as the primary reason for the invasion and occupation, at least on Mondays and Thursdays. Keep reading →
Issue #3 — November 5th, 2003
When Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed of Malaysia recently declared that “Jews rule this world by proxy” and urged Muslim nations to unite to avoid being “defeated by a few million Jews,” he was heavily criticized throughout the Western world for anti-Semitism. Largely obscured was the fact that in the same address, Mahathir had been much more harsh with his fellow Muslims, calling them a backward people, crippled by religious superstition and enfeebled by infighting. But no one in the West accused him of being anti-Muslim. Keep reading →
Issue #2 — July 7th, 2003
The words and actions of the Bush administration have so often been labeled “Orwellian” that it’s become virtually a cliché. But one can not resist adding to the list. Keep reading →
Issue #1 — April 1st, 2003
Perhaps the most Orwellian quote to come out of the Vietnam war, now a classic, was “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.” Now comes Mr. Rumsfeld, speaking of US “precision bombing” in Iraq: “It looks like it’s a bombing of a city, but it isn’t.” Keep reading →